Savanoriu PR. 192-136, Kaunas
Your Cart


General provisions
We are When processing your personal data, we responsibly comply with the laws and acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the protection of personal data. In this privacy policy description, we explain how and for what purposes we use the information you provide when visiting our e- store. Please read our privacy policy carefully. By using our website and the services it provides, you confirm that you agree to the listed conditions and that your personal information is received and used based on them. 
If you have any questions or complaints, contact this e-mail address:

Protection of personal data
The data you provide, such as: first name, last name, e-mail, phone number, are processed for the following purposes:

  • For forming orders or inquiries about goods.
  • For sending information messages related to your order.
  • Respond to your inquiries, including returns or complaints.
  • To improve our services.
  • To receive your opinion or comments about our products and services.

Information transfer
1. We have the right to transfer information to third parties only in cases where it is a partial or complete sale or reorganization of our business. In these cases, we undertake to take all necessary measures to ensure that your privacy and the information you have provided to our email. store, would continue to be adequately protected.
2. We have the right to send you information about our goods or services if we believe that this information will be useful to you.
3. In no other cases, except for those provided in this Privacy Policy, your personal information will not be disclosed to anyone without your consent, except in cases where it is mandatory to do so based on the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

What information we collect and store
Products that you have viewed or left in the cart. We collect this information only to improve the quality of our services and products and to meet your needs.

During your visit to the website, our server may save certain information on your computer, which is also known as "cookies". Cookies are small amounts of textual information that are automatically generated when you browse e-mail. store and is stored on your computer or other device. 
We use cookies to:

  • You should not have to re-enter your information on each visit;
  • get access to our email store statistical data, with the help of which it would be possible to improve the technical features and content of the website.

By using the settings of your internet browser, you can prohibit the browser from using "cookies", but in this case, certain parts of our e-shop may not work or may not work properly.

Changing and deleting your personal data
We aim to store the most accurate information about you.
Incorrect data may result in improper service provision or losses. You are personally responsible for the accuracy of this data. Therefore, if your personal information changes, please remember to change your personal information accordingly on our website. 
To remove your data from our email stores (delete account), please contact e-mail:

Our online store has the best technologies to protect your personal information from unauthorized use. 

Final Provisions
This Privacy Policy is based on the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulating the protection of personal data. All disagreements are resolved by mutual agreement through negotiations. If an agreement is not possible, disputes are resolved according to the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.